
We received a "thank you" from a community service client today. He was a gentlemen who had very broken English and we muddled our way through his sign-up and ultimately his court completion. He was so appreciative of the help we gave him that he came back today and gave us a large bag of grapes as a "thank you" for all we did to assist him.
It is people like him that make what we do work. Our goal is to help every person from start to finish! 

"THANK YOU's" from our Fan Drive recipents:

QUOTES we hear:

"You don't know how much this has helped me. It truly helps me make it through the hot summer months"
"I'm so grateful you do this for us every year"
"Your kindness is overwhelming"
"I have a swamp cooler and this fan is my only form of relief"
"I can't thank you enough"
"Please don't ever stop doing this for us"
"Your organization is the best!"

"I truly appreciate you treating me like a "normal" human being and not judging me for my mistake. You have been so kind and helpful. Thank you again"

From a community service client

AmeriCorps R.S.V.P. Volunteers

Recognition Event "THANK YOU's"

"We appreciate you hosting this recognition event for us"
"Your office is so kind. We feel so appreciated"
"You make volunteering for our community worthwhile"
"Thank you for always making us feel loved and for making our volunteering meaningful"