"The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others." - DeAnn Hollis

It's Fun
  • Make new friends
  • Try something different
  • Feel good
  • Reduce stress
We'll match your interests, talents and time to the needs of non profit and community organizations throughout Kern County.
You'll  Learn A Lot
  • Discover hidden talents
  • Face new challenges
  • Gain valuable experience
  • Meet community leaders
We will help you find the opportunity that's right for you.
Strengthen Your Community
  • Be part of the solution
  • Build community resources
  • Join community projects
  • Feel connected
It Matters
  • Know you've helped to improve someone's life
Our Mission
To mobilize people and resources to deliver creative solutions to address community problems.
It Works
In existence since 1972, the Volunteer Center works to match volunteers with local non profits working together to address the needs of Kern County individuals and families.

By helping the Volunteer Center, you are not only supporting a number of
internal programs, but you are also making sure hundreds of local non-profit community partners will receive the much needed volunteer services as well to assist them in delivering their services to the community!

Check out our EVENTS PAGE more details